Home Research Articles Atopic dermatitis epidemiology and unmet need in the United Kingdom

    Atopic dermatitis epidemiology and unmet need in the United Kingdom

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition associated with epithelial, immune, and environmental factors. It is characterized by intense itch, disruption of the skin barrier, and upregulation of type 2-mediated immune responses in the skin 1–4. As a disease, AD is characterized by early age of onset, with approximately 60% of AD cases in the UK diagnosed in the first year of life 5. Prevalence of AD decreases with age, with 30% of 4- year-olds,11–20%ofschool-aged children, 6,7 and5–10% of adults diagnosed with AD.

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